Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Fruit and Vegetables Prescription Program

Wowzers.  NYC is in the news, for something positive!  This is coming from someone who spent their first 27 years of life living in New York, so my bias comes from a very well rounded experience of the state.  There are alot of nice places in NY,  Montauk Point, Lake George, Woodstock, the Adirondack's, etc etc etc.  However NY is a very big place, and there are alot of people there making it very unwelcome.  

When I lived there I thought that the discriminations against New Yorkers were unfair, now that I am outside of that bubble I realize that many of them are spot on.  They are rude, hectic, drive like manics, snotty, egotistical, and they pay a fortune to live in a place that ... if you ask me... isn't even that nice.  Any idiot who is willing to pay $3000 a month to live in what might as well be a walk in closet, deserves whatever other terrible things happen to them.  

Gun confiscation, massive under employment, over population, "terrorist" attacks, quick spread of disease, and overwhelming taxes, are just the first few things that come to mind when I think of New York.  One last word on my hatred for NY then I will get to the point.  Earlier this month when exiting JFK Airport the first thing that hit me was a distinct smell of piss and humidity.  If any other two words better exemplify New York than "piss" and "humidity" I am not quiet sure what they are.  

With all of that hatred spewed, somehow doctors in New York are leading the way in a program that prescribes fresh produce to fight off certain conditions.   Shocking, I know, your diet actually has an impact on your health.  Prescription drugs are not the only manner to fight disease!  According to Natural News :

The "Fruit and Vegetables Prescription Program," allows doctors to "prescribe" fresh fruit and vegetables to overweight or obese patients by giving them "Health Bucks" that are redeemable at local farmer's markets.

This program makes New York City the largest U.S. city to officially acknowledge that fruits and vegetables have a role to play in preventing chronic degenerative disease -- an idea that the FDA insists is delusional. According to the FDA, there is no such thing as any fruit, vegetable, supplement or superfood that has any ability whatsoever to prevent, treat or cure any disease.
Sure, the FDA's belief is ancient history in terms of present-day knowledge about nutrition and disease, but it's still federal policy. And according to the FDA, the mere "prescribing" of a food as something to prevent obesity automatically transforms that food into a "drug." Under current FDA regulations, then, NYC is guilty of promoting "unapproved drugs" which are really just fruits and vegetables. But that's how FDA logic works.

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