Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Food and Drug Administration Doesn't Inspect Nearly Any Food

According to Natural News:

An in-depth report recently published by Bloomberg explains that the vast majority of large agriculture and food production companies are essentially self-regulated and self-inspected, which means the FDA keeps no tabs on whether or not such companies are producing and distributing safe food. And thanks to the 2010 passage of the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act, the situation has only gotten worse, as food companies are now encouraged to hire their own "third-party" inspection services that end up acting as rubber stamps in basically declaring, rather than proving, food to be safe.

"During the past two decades, the food industry has taken over much of the FDA's role in ensuring that what Americans eat is safe," says the Bloomberg report. "The food industry hires for-profit inspection companies -- known as third-party auditors -- who aren't required by law to meet any federal standards and have no government supervision. Some of these monitors choose to follow guidelines from trade groups that include ConAgra Foods Inc. (CAG), Kraft Foods Inc. and Wal-Mart."

Just another useless bureaucratic department whose sole purpose is to intimidate the little guys while allowing big business to get away with murder.  If out taxes are going to these agencies, shouldn't they at least be doing something to keep us safe?  Oh woops, sorry I forgot what country I was in for second... government isn't there to keep us safe, they are there to dominate and subdue the population in order to allow a total take over by the financial and political elite.  

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