Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Brazil Scientists Developing Lifesaving Superfoods

Waking up every day and reading about GMO's, pesticides, fast food, famine and all sorts of other food related crisis, it is great to finally come across a positive story!  Of course it is taking place outside of the US but at least someone is working on creating super foods that are actually healthier for humans!  According to Natural News:
Agriculture scientists in Brazil have spent the past decade developing so-called "superfoods" that will soon become a natural alternative to genetically modified frankenfoods grown in many countries including the United States and will alleviate malnutrition for nearly one-third of the world's population.
These eight biofortified foods are expected to be widely available to consumers throughout Brazil in less than a decade; already there is a pilot program underway in 15 municipalities around the country, Britain's Guardian newspaper reported.

Already pre-school children are benefiting from the bio-nutritionally enhanced foods. "In Itaguai, an industrial municipality 44 miles south of Rio de Janeiro, about 8,000 pre-school children are benefiting from these extra-nutritious foods," the Guardian reported.
Eventually all of the municipality's family farmers will be included in the project - at least, that's the goal. Further, within a couple years, the plan is to offer biofortified foods in all schools within the municipality, as well as in stores and public markets.
Curiosity of children is one factor that is "selling" the new biofortified superfoods. "When we tell them that these foods have more vitamins, and they see the deeper colors [of the biofortified crops], they are eager to try them out," municipal secretary of environment, agriculture and fisheries, Ivana Neves Couto told Tierramerica.
Feeding school children vitamin fortified foods to help spur their development.  You mean they're not being shoveled slop on their plate made from "meat" that McDonald's won't even sell to their customers.  

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