Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Hamburger "Meat"

I know, I might as well just re-post everything Natural News reports, but here is yet again another eye opening article from one of the only sites out there telling it how it really is.

Based on their analysis, Laurel School researchers found that the water content of fast food hamburgers typically ranges between 37.7 and 62.4 percent, with an average of about 49 percent. Electron microscopy revealed preserved skeletal muscle, which is good, as well as a variety of tissue types including blood vessels, peripheral nerves, adipose tissue (body fat), cartilage, and bone. But the kicker was the actual meat content.

According to the data, amongst the eight fast food hamburger patties tested, meat content ranged between 2.1 and 14.8 percent, with an average of about 12.1 percent. This means that for a half-pound burger, less than one ounce of it is composed of actual meat, on average. And for those burgers on the lowest end of the meat spectrum, a half-pound patty contains less than five grams of actual meat.

"Fast food hamburgers are comprised of little meat," wrote the authors in their study abstract. "Approximately half of their weight is made up of water. Unexpected tissue types found in some hamburgers included bone, cartilage, and plant material; no brain tissue was present."

Besides their lack of meat, some fast food hamburger patties were also found to contain potentially harmful bacteria and ammonia. Two of the hamburgers tested, for instance, were found to contain intracellular parasites, also known as Sarcocystis, which are basically cysts. In humans, undercooked meats containing Sarcocystis can cause diarrhea or muscle tenderness, and in more extreme cases breathing problems and even death.

Mmm yum yum.  I work at a pretty forward thinking company.  Yet even the people who work here come in from lunch with Chick Filet and McDonalds and Jack in the Box, all the time.  I drive by the closest McDonalds to get to our local super market and it ALWAYS has lines at the drive through.  Do people truly not see how bad this is?  Sitting in your car, so lazy you can't get out and walk 20 yards, waiting for a "burger" which has a meat content of 10 percent or so.  

I guess most people don't understand what is wrong because they are way beyond addicted to the chemicals laced in to their "meat".  Or they are addicted to the fast service or cheap price, or whatever.  I guess they'll also be addicted to chemo therapy and pharmaceuticals to ease the pain soon enough as well.  Such is life.  

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