Saturday, July 20, 2013

McDonald's Workers Walked Off the Job Because the Air Conditioning is Broken.

I know I've "reported" on a couple of stories about McDonald's lately, and while I do admit to having a negative view of them as a company, I promise that all of these blogs at once are not me maliciously looking for stories to report on them, they just so happen to be making the news alot lately.  According to Fox News:  

Workers at a New York City McDonald's branch say they walked off the job on Friday because the air conditioning is broken.
Workers at the Washington Heights store say they became physically sick from the heat after the air-conditioning broke down on Friday morning. The heat index hit 107 degrees at JFK Airport on Friday.
It was the hottest day of a brutal heat wave that's expected to end on Saturday.
Employee Jamne Izquierdo says the conditions were "inhumane and unsafe."
"We are human beings. We've told McDonalds before that the air conditioning doesn't work and that we can't take the heat but they don't listen to us. We can't take it anymore. No one should have to work like this," said Izquierdo.

Between this and the woman who quite and is suing over pre paid payment cards, it looks like under paid, over worked employees around America are finally standing up for themselves.  No one else will.  

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