Thursday, August 1, 2013

Federal Government Stealing Farmers Raisins

"You can't work for a whole year and then give 47 percent of what you made away and still keep that business afloat"

According to Natural News:

Recently declared by Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan to be "the world's most outdated law," a little known U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) policy that steals up to half of American raisin farmers' harvest while providing little or no compensation in return is currently being challenged in federal court. As reported by, a California couple has sued the USDA, claiming that the policy not only violates the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, but also threatens to put small raisin farmers like themselves out of business.

It is known as an agriculture marketing order, and it was established back in the 1930s during the Great Depression as a way to stabilize raisin prices during a unique time when food markets were extremely volatile. A product of the infamous and sweeping New Deal, the agriculture marketing order for raisins established a special government committee responsible for both deciding the price and yield for raisins every year, and confiscating the remaining raisins for export overseas -- and this committee still exists today.
Perhaps the most shocking aspect of this outdated policy -- it is really just a form of legalized robbery by the federal government, by the way -- is that up to half of the domestic raisin harvest is confiscated every year under direct orders from the USDA, with no compensation given to farmers in return.
Absolute insanity.  Does the government go to the pharmaceutical industry and take half of their stock in order to sell at lower prices?  Do they break in to Cupertino and steal half of Apple's iPhones?  Do they run amok of Walmart and take half of their inventory?  I think not.  
So why in the world do they have any right to steal half of a farmers very hard earned products?  
They don't.  The US Federal Government is one big illegal racket.  Most of you just allow it to flourish and care so very little that they get away with it.  

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