Saturday, June 1, 2013

The New Format

So, it's been a while since I posted to Another Way to Eat.  The reason being, I haven't been eating out very often.  However with the recent March on Monsanto this past Saturday I started to get the idea of changing the format of this blog.  Sure, reviews of eateries are nice, and I sure will keep it as part of the blog, however what the main focus will be from now on is any story that's related to food that I deem interesting.

So with that said, stay tuned for four new blogs this evening involving Monsanto, McDonalds, Burger King and as out of place as it seems, Guantanamo Bay.  Remember just because super markets and restaurants choose to sell inferior food products doesn't mean you have to buy them, there is always another way to eat.  On top of that never let someone tell you eating healthy cost too much, because the cost of not eating healthy in the long run could be your health or even your life.

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