Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Eat Insects

(Bon Appetit)

This report came out a few weeks ago now where the UN tries to support eating insects to battle world hunger.  Natural News brought the situation up again today so I thought it was worth sharing their thoughts on the subject:

World hunger would not really be that big of an issue if people would just eat more insects as part of their normal diet. This is the basic premise of a new report recently put out by the United Nations (U.N.) Food and Agriculture Organization (F.A.O.), which actually makes the claim that ants, grasshoppers and other bugs are somehow healthier and better for the environment than the traditional protein-dense foodstuffs we are all used to eating. 

The ridiculous proposal gives a whole new meaning to the phrase, "Let them eat cake!" Except for the fact that, to most people living in developed countries, being told to eat bugs by an unelected and highly-corrupt entity like the U.N. is far more offensive. Worse is the fact that the U.N. is pulling out all the usual propaganda to push its new bug-eating agenda, including the tired warnings about how eating meat contributes to "global warming." 

"Insects are healthy, nutritious alternatives to mainstream staples such as chicken, pork, beef and even fish," claims the U.N. in its report  

Mmm Yum Yum!

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