Friday, June 28, 2013

Coca Cola Life

Props to Coca Cola for creating a high quality, better for you than their regular soda, product.  According to The Huffington Post:

Coca-Cola announced on Wednesday plans to sell the company's first stevia-sweetened Coke product, Coca-Cola Life, in Argentina beginning this week.
Stevia, a natural sweetener derived from a species of plants native to South America, Central America and Mexico, is sweeter than sugar but has no calories. Coca-Cola Life will have about half the calories of regular Coke.
I've personally had stevia directly from live plants on multiple occasions when I apprenticed at a green house.  It is delicious and absolutely a worthwhile replacement for high fructose corn syrup and whatever other junk they normally put in their sugar water.  I'll probably never try this soda, specifically because it will be in Argentina but also because, well no matter how good they claim it is, it's still soda.

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