Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Drinking Soda Instead of Water

... The American Way!  Drink two liters of soda a day and avoid water at all costs.

PopSci reports:

A 31-year-old Monaco woman was recently admitted to the hospital after suffering arrhythmia and fainting spells. Her potassium levels were found to be absurdly, dangerously low. These are bad warning signs, but the woman had no family history of heart problems. Further investigation revealed that the patient had not had a sip of water in 16 years; instead she drank only cola.


The patient suffered severe fainting fits.
Amazingly, as soon as the doctors took the patient off of her bonkers cola habit, her potassium levels and QT intervals returned to near-normal. Within one week, her QT interval was 430 ms, and her blood-potassium levels returned to 4.1 mmol/L. Amazing how much torture the human body can bounce back from!
It's incredible that this woman's health was able to bounce back so quickly from such extended exposure to this poison.  It says alot about the human body that after spending years smoking the lungs can revert to their perfect health after just a few years.  Apparently the body is capable of similar healing from other negative life style choices. 
It is great that her potassium went back to normal and she is no longer fainting, however I am sure there are other aspects of her health that are not so quickly reversed by this about face.  With that said, if you smoke, if you drink soda or eat fast food, stop now!  Sooner than later your body will be healthy again, it may take a little time but no time is better than the present to start.

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