Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Al Forno Fresh from the Oven

I wish reviewing this place was as easy as saying it was a good or bad restaurant. Having taken out twice in the recent past and enjoyed the food we were tempted each time by a hostess to sit down at what seemed to be a strictly take-out pizza place.  Being from NY my entire life reviewing an Italian place in Virginia seems like something to do as a joke; however the past two times we ate our food at home we were actually surprised with the quality of food that owner Nunzio puts out.  Sadly on our first attempt at dining in we were astonished with the lack of credibility this establishment shows in being an actual restaurant. 

From the moment you enter Al Forno you are greeted by someone offering you menus and a table before getting to the counter.  On any regular visit there will be more wait staff than costumers and it seems they aren’t very versed at the title of “waiter” or “waitress”, at least not the one we were greeted by today.  I might be wrong but I think it was one of the owner’s sons who had a pleasant enough demeanor today.  On our first visit there however I had the unfortunate opportunity of over hearing him refer to a call-in costumer as “a retard” to a co-worker. 

Today our orders were simple enough: mozzarella sticks, raviolis with a side salad and chicken parmesan sub with fries.  The salad came out instantaneously and as usual Laura tried waiting for the rest of her food before starting.  After five minutes or more the two of us started to eat the salad, we quickly finished it and waited another ten minutes before asking a waitress to find out about our appetizer.  Judging by the additional wait, our waiter had obviously forgotten to put the order in.

When we got them they were good, not great.  When our food came out the same can be said.  Good, nothing special.  The fries were actually the best part, when I asked for BBQ sauce on the side though our “waiter” looked at me like I was crazy, but they ended up having some.  The mozzarella sticks were “very good” according to Laura.  The service however was subpar and felt very unnecessary.  Let me not let the entirety of this review seem negative; the food is good, very good for a “pizza place” in Virginia.  But make sure to call in advance for take-out, because that’s where they really shine. 

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