Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Los Jaliscienses The Free and Sovereign State of Jalisco

I knew I would eat my words concerning my recent review claiming Cazadores to be “the best Mexican restaurant you will ever eat at.” I just didn't know how soon that day would come. It's been a while since I have had the opportunity to write a review for Another Way To Eat. Not due to lack of content, but mostly due to lack of internet connection or time to dedicate to such a cause. While visiting New York alone I could have written reviews for Flo's Famous Luncheonette, The Oar House, European Republic, The Sage Cafe and multiple bagel and pizza places. I chose to consider those meals a vacation though and defer such reviews for a later time.

After leaving New York Laura and I headed straight back down to Virginia where again I could have written at least a review for Ruby Tuesdays, but come on, do I really need to state the obvious?  Mediocre food at absurd prices. Ten dollars for a plate of salad?! So I chose to bid my time, knowing that in just a few weeks I would be finding myself in a brand new location, with a flare for cuisine, Austin Texas! Before I got the chance to experience Los Jaliscienses though my first Texas meal came directly after crossing the border from Louisiana. It was my very first visit to Jack in the Box and I got to say, I'm lovin' it!

That coming from a outspoken hater of fast food, especially McDonalds. Jack in the Box made my day though, unlike the grotesque service we were offered at a Waffle House the night before. Let me get to the point though.

Los Jaliscienses is hidden in a little nook on the side of a hotel right next to the pool. One could almost consider it part of the hotel but lucky for us it just happens to be extremely close. The moment we walked in the atmosphere was absolutely authentic south of the border. With good reason considering we are four hours from Mexico. The lady who served us spoke English well and had no problem taking our order, which goes against a Yelp review I just read claiming it helps to speak Spanish in order to eat there.

First off, as I am trying to make it routine while eating Mexican, I ordered my Modelo Especial. Next came a flip through the menu. I was astonished to see that they not only served everything I would expect and more, but also had an entire Breakfast Menu serving Huevos, Waffles and mucho mas. This is something I have NEVER seen up north. The Mexican Restaurants I've eaten at in New York, Pennsylvania and Virginia are limited to serving lunch and dinner, mostly due to lack of demand for a breakfast section I would imagine.

As far as the lunch we had today goes though, it blew both of our taste buds out of the water. Laura ordered a cheese enchilada meal and I went with the Fajitas Mixtas. For nine dollars I received a platter of beef and chicken with rice, beans, guacamole, and salad along with corn tortillas to wrap up my own fajitas. There was no doubt in either of our minds that the food would be delicious considering the source, and since everything most certainly is bigger in Texas we weren't surprised when we finished our meals that our plates still looked like we hadn't even touched them.

I just heated up a fajita in our hotel room microwave to go with the Austin Amber beer I got next door at the gas station and still I have lunch left over for tomorrow. While the warm weather, friendly people, beautiful scenery and immense cultural diversity initially attracted us to Austin, It's the Tex-Mex Food that will surely keep us here for years to come.

Los Jaliscienses

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