Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Cazadores Mexican Resteraunt

Cazadores, I’m not sure what it means in Spanish, but it Spanglish I can assure you it means “the best Mexican restaurant you will ever eat at.”
  I’ve found in the past that the best way to eat the style of food most commonly served just south of the border is not a full scale restaurant and it’s most certainly not Taco Bell.  The best Mexican meals I’ve ever had are in the hole in the wall rinky dink places with two tables and a counter.  I guess the best way to describe it is mostly a take-out Mexican place, but not fast food.  Prior Mexican restaurants I have eaten at have left me feeling as if I could have done a better job cooking the meal at home. 

Not Cazadores though, from the prompt service to the humble and non-invasive wait staff it was a true pleasure dinning in their establishment.  Whenever I find myself in a Asian or Spanish place I find that the servers are much less likely to ask how your meal is or anything at all beyond the necessary, even if their English is perfect.  Laura pointed out to me after the meal how pleasant it was, after I mentioned how their service was the opposite of the overly pleasant servers at Applebees or Olive Garden who try to start up conversation where none is needed. 

The Negro Modela’s were delicious as always, the combination platters we each got were even more so.  I went with the number sixteen, an enchilada, a chicken taco, chile rellena, rice and beans and Laura got the number six, two enchiladas, rice and beans, but she substituted for double rice.  I was unsure of what the chile rellena was but it ended up being a deep fried pepper which was stuffed with cheese possibly?  Might have been overflow from the enchilada though as the whole plate kind of melded into each other.  The first bite was of enchilada and it was so good I didn’t even touch it again until after I finished everything else, so that it would be my last taste. 

Let me say that the beans were amongst the best mushy sloppy bean substance I have ever had, the rice was superb and when I went to take a bite out of the taco I was astounded at how perfectly the shell molded to my grip.  It wasn’t too mushy, nor was it so crispy that it broke at the slightest touch.  It was literally the best taco shell I have EVER felt or tasted in my entire life.  The chunks of chicken inside were cut into very generous proportions and were juicy morsels of goodness.  The cheese on top was abundant and the hot sauce I drizzled on was only enough to add a kick to an already near perfect taco. 

Laura loved her meal just as much with absolutely nothing to complain about, so after the courses were served we went for dessert.  Deep fried ice cream which wasn’t the best I have ever had by a long shot but came served in a giant taco cone which easily wins the best presentation awards hands down.  The ice cream itself was delicious it was just the breaded outsides that were a little too chewy, making me feel as if they got a little freezer burned from sitting too long.  I was slightly turned off by what ended up being a not so perfect ending, but everything else was of such a high quality that there is nothing that could stop me from recommending Cazadores as the best Mexican place in Southern Virginia.  

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