Saturday, June 9, 2012

The Plaid Turnip An Artfully Comfortable Cafe

The last thing we did before taking our first look at what would be the apartment we'd live in for an entire year was eat at The Plaid Turnip.  It was the welcoming platform for two "kids" from New York making a fresh start in the furthest reaches of southern Virginia.  I'll forego any tales of our first meal at this unique establishment though or any of the handful of appearances we've made there in order to recall our most recent excursion.

With dinners far and few between in Virginia finding a really good breakfast spot isn't exactly easy.  The Plaid Turnip has such a great breakfast selection that it was a determining factor in choosing Suffolk VA as the town we would live in.  It's not that their choices are massively different than any other place, it's the presentation and ample amount of food that differentiates this cafe from the others.

Coming from New York we have become accustomed to paying $13 for an omelette.  When an entire carton of eggs, an onion, mushrooms and cheese to feed 6 people only costing $6 we pay for the convenience of having someone else make it in their over priced location in order to avoid washing a few dishes.  However the first thing that caught my attention when relocating to Virginia was not only the price, but the size of the omlettes I received here!

The other morning I ordered a mushroom and Swiss omelette with a fruit bowl and a biscuit.  Let me first say that being offered the option of toast or biscuit or pancake and home fries or grits or oatmeal with breakfast is an absolutely perfect selection of sides.  Most importantly though when receiving my omlette I thought/said "half the price and double the size!"  Laura chose the Hawaiian Bread French Toast (we pointed out the oddity of it's name having two separate location in it) she also got home fries and a side of scrambled eggs.  

As I stated earlier the best part is the size, we were over whelmed by the portions when they arrived.  Not to be let down by the taste both of our meals were superb.  

If you ever find yourself in the small downtown area of Suffolk Virginia check out The Plaid Turnip for meals, a small bakery and a bar situated in a very uniquely decorated eatery that proudly proclaims itself to be a "mixture of great food, good friends and fantastic works by local artists".

Plaid Turnip

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