Thursday, October 24, 2013

L.A. To Ban GMO

According to RT:
Los Angeles is considering a ban on the cultivation, sale and distribution of genetically modified organisms, which would make the city the largest GMO-free zone in the US.
Los Angeles City Councilmen Paul Koretz and Mitch O’Farrell introduced Friday a motion to curb growth and proliferation of GMO seeds and plants within the city.
The councilmen said the proposal aims to protect local gardens and city-grown food from future contamination from GMO seeds. The motion would not impact the sale of food containing GMO ingredients, however.
GMO seeds are mostly used only by large-scale farming operations, of which none exists in Los Angeles city.
Some smaller US localities have banned the cultivation of GMOs, but LA would be by far the biggest US city to do so.
A public effort to require all GMO foods and seeds to be labeled as such throughout the entire state of California failed a year ago. Opponents of Proposition 37 - like Monsanto and Kraft - helped donate around $46 million to the cause against labeling. Supporters of labeling raised just over $9 million in that defeat.
Voters in Washington State will consider a labeling requirement next month. Opponents of Initiative 522 - led by questionable fundraising tactics by industry trade group Grocery Manufacturers Association - have pumped $17 million into the effort to defeat labeling. Supporters have raised over $5 million.
As the article states this measure seems to be more symbolic than anything else.  Considering it won't ban much of anything since there are no large farms using GMO seeds in L.A.  
However I guess it is a step in the right direction in gaining more public attention to the situation.  So ... I guess good job L.A. Let's get this ban implemented and then adequately expanded to include a ban on all GMO foods and then we'll have something to truly celebrate about.   

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