Sunday, October 13, 2013

Gitmo Guards still Torturing Kidnapped Inmates to this Day.

Mos Def Willingly Being Force Fed

So you think the Gauntanamo Bay torture scandal was a thing of the past?  Think not.  To this day guards at the infamous rendition and enhanced interrogation camp are still putting these inmates through incredible mistreatment that the American people seem to have become desensitized to at this point.  

According to RT:

Guantanamo guards were conducting regular night raids on inmates’ cells, putting prisoners in solitary confinement and manipulating temperature in the cells to force an end to the months’ long hunger strike in the camp, detainees claim.


The hunger strike, which began in February after authorities confiscated personal possessions from the detainees’ rooms and became a wider protest against indefinite detention, grew to include more than a hundred people by July. Last month, US authorities announced that the strike had petered out.

“The US authorities have, with some glee, announced the hunger strike to be over. What they fail to tell you is the horrific things they did to crush the hunger strikers' spirits, as my clients have described. And yet still there are at least 16 men striking and being brutally force-fed twice a day,” said Cori Crider, a lawyer at Reprieve, a charity that represents some of the inmates.

One inmate had this to say of the treatment of a fellow inmate he had witnessed:

“The riot squad uses the excuse of giving him water and food and medicine to storm his cell again,” 


“They took him to the clinic, tore his clothes off and left him with only his underwear for long hours, taunting him.”

Americans are not good people, we are not exceptional, we do not spread peace and democracy around the globe.  Many Americans are terrible people who find pleasure in others suffering.  They have been desensitized by decades of actions flicks and shoot 'em up games.  They've had their minds warped by millions upon millions of pharmaceutical prescriptions preventing them from properly perceiving reality.  They've lived a life of luxury and lavishes (yes even what used to be of the middle class) that separates them from the rest of the world creating a them vs us mentality that make's it simpler for us to allow our government to kill millions of people while the majority of us focus on football and Dancing with the Stars.  
America is not special.  America has become a breeding ground for the type of person who is willing to torture someone else based on false claims by an untrustworthy government.  Yet somehow these idiots in power still find people even dumber than them willing to "just follow orders".  There are good people in America, there are smart, caring people in this country.  The sad thing is they are not the ones who are in power, the ones in power are greedy, evil bastards willing to maim, murder and mutilate anyone who gets in their way.  

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