Sunday, October 13, 2013

Big Mac Causes Police Car Chase

According to The Smoking Gun:

After exiting a McDonald’s drive-thru lane, an intoxicated Ohio motorist led cops on a short chase because he “just wanted to eat his Big Mac before he stopped,” according to a police report.


“I initiated a traffic stop and the subject failed to stop,” noted Officer Clifford Smith, who added that he chased Miller until the motorist pulled over. Miller, who smelled of booze and was slurring his speech, apologized to Smith, saying he “was too drunk and he just wanted to eat his Big Mac before he stopped.”

I'm surprised this guy wasn't shot to death for running from the cops.  But aside from that what else is there to say about this story except the fact that Big Macs are so addictive they will make a man risk arrest and possible execution just to finish eating one.  

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