Wednesday, October 16, 2013

EBT (Food Stamps) to Shut Down in November

According to InfoWars:

The USDA is directing states to withhold Electronic Transfer Benefits for the month of November until further notice, setting up a potential food stamp crisis that could very easily lead to riots and widespread looting if the government shutdown drags on.
In other words, up to 47 million Americans who rely on food stamps to feed themselves face the prospect of going hungry next month.
An EBT system failure that occurred this past weekend led to “mini-riots” and looting at several Walmart stores. In Springhill and Mansfield, Louisiana, shelves were cleared as frenzied customers tried to exploit unlimited credit balances that had temporarily been applied to their EBT cards as a result of the system glitch. Store managers also had to close a Walmart and call police in Philadelphia, Mississippi aftercustomers began rioting when their EBT cards stopped functioning.
EBT card users responded by invoking the threat of widespread riots if the system went down again for any sustained period of time. More conspiratorial types even suggested that Saturday’s glitch was a beta test for a future total food stamp shutdown.
Richard Phillips, a homeless man who relies on food stamps, told Fox 13, “It’s going to cause problems… because then you’re going to come to find out that you’re going to have people starting to steal and do what they have to do to survive.”
So the havoc we saw take pace in Louisiana this past weekend during a 2 hour EBT shut down is about to spread across the entire nation.  What do you think will happen for an entire month if it took just two hours for Walmart customers to nearly riot?  

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