Thursday, October 17, 2013

Pizza Saves America!

According to NY Post:

It’s the late night fix favored by stoners and university students around the world.
And now pizza can claim to be the food responsible for ending the US government shutdown and averting a global economic disaster.
Senate leaders announced a bipartisan deal to reopen the US government and raise the debt ceiling overnight.
But only after industrial sized quantities of pizza were wheeled in for late night negotiations.
At least 20 huge boxes were delivered by a congressional aide to the office of Speaker John Boenher, along with bags stuffed full of sides.
I'd rather give pizza the credit for averting the crisis American politicians have been pushing for the past two weeks.  I sure as hell don't give any credit to anyone in Congress who caused the problem to begin with.  So thank you pizza for allowing the Federal Government to continue spending unlimited funny money and kicking the can down the road a few weeks.  

I for one was terrified of the EBT shutdown that was about to occur if the debt ceiling was not raised.  Rioting and looting are not quite as fun as people on Twitter make it out to be.  So any way to avoid massive riots and police crack downs is appreciated.  Again thank you pizza!

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