Friday, October 18, 2013

Cop Served Raw Burger at McDonalds

According to CBS

Officer Rob Moore pulls up to the McDonald’s drive-through in Derry, New Hampshire a couple times a week for some fast food, ordering a double quarter pounder with cheese. It’s usually the only place open working the night shift.
“I was the only one at the restaurant. I drove through and I was in full uniform,” said Moore. He grabbed his order and pretty hungry he dug in and quickly took four bites before realizing something was wrong. “I took the bun off and the first patty was cooked, the second patty revealed a raw mess and I’m sitting there holding that. I couldn’t believe what I just ate.”
Officer Moore believes it was no accident given the circumstances. “A lot of people don’t like police officers, all the circumstances are there. Only one there in full uniform and it was obviously cooked after I arrived.”
The problem is it wasn’t cooked and a few hours later he became violently ill. Moore says he contacted the franchise owner and was told the cook was a manager in training.
He says he was also told there is surveillance video of the cook preparing his order. “I was told you could see him actually put the patty into the cooker, trying to close the mechanism a couple of times, eventually taking it out and putting it on the bun and serving it to me like that. It’s unacceptable.”
McDonald’s would only release a statement saying, “We take matters regarding food safety and quality very seriously. We have investigated the issue and have resolved the customer’s concern at the restaurant level.”
Officer Moore believes there should be more stringent procedures for monitoring employees. “This could happen to anybody, not just law enforcement,” he said.
There was no way I could even edit this story down, the whole tale needed to be shared.  
I worked at a rotisserie chicken place for a while, we served the majority of our food right in front of the customer, and I know for a fact we had a few cops who would purposefully come to get food from us knowing they could watch us prepare it.  

With that said I'd imagine they were worried about someone spitting in their food or using dirty gloves to prepare it.  Serving someone raw meet is not cool.  There certainly are bad cops out there but one should not assume that they are all bad people.  Possibly causing sickness or worse to someone who has never done anything to you personally is really immature and pathetic.  

But hey, it's McDonald's what else should I expect?  

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