Friday, October 25, 2013

McDonald's Sues Australian Town

According to NaturalNews:

Plans by fast food giant McDonald's to build its first restaurant in the Australian town of Tecoma, located in the state of Victoria, are being challenged by nearly 100,000 individuals who recently signed a petition demanding that McDonald's stay out of the area. 

According to Yahoo! TV in Australia, representatives from an activist group known as BurgerOff recently flew 10,000 miles to the McDonald's global headquarters near Chicago to deliver the petition and signatures, which company officials reportedly refused to touch.


Despite the fact that the vast majority of Tecoma residents, according to Muratore, are in opposition to the project, McDonald's plans to move forward with it anyway. The company has even gone so far as to file a lawsuit against the protesters in an effort to keep them away from the proposed construction site, alleging that the project is well supported throughout the local community. But according to Muratore, this claim is absolutely false.
"That's a lie that McDonald's in Australia keeps pushing," he told reporters. "We know that nine out of 10 people don't want this."
God bless any town that fights elitist global corporation who think they know what is best for an area of the world they've never even been to.  Somehow McDonalds thinks suing this town will help their image?  I guess they don't really care about their image considering the way they treat their employees.  
Mcdonald's has a world wide reputation, they were a once beloved aspect of society, not so much anymore.  Yet somehow they think they can rest on their laurels and keep treating their customers, employees and communities like crap, while still raking in enormous amounts of cash.  Sadly they get away with this because most people are so addicted to Big Macs they don't care what the company is doing other than serving their food.  

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