Sunday, May 13, 2012

Super Market's

Many people don’t think it is a big deal where they procure their nourishment from.  There are those who will buy frozen dinner's from a dollar store and discarded animal byproduct processed in to “happy” meals for their children amongst us.  They’ll complain about the cost of eating “healthy” while at the same time spending $75 a week on cigarettes and countless amounts each month on take out.  Or maybe you’ll get the age old mantra that healthy food doesn’t taste as good as fatty foods, which is debatable. 

The real problem with junk food junkies is lack of motivation to create a diverse and unique meal for one’s self and their loved ones on the regular.  How often do you eat green beans and stuffing, or Turkey and cranberry sauce?  Once a year on Thanksgiving, that’s a shame!  Everyone should treat every meal as a mini t-day.  Take the opportunity to add apps, sides, and desserts as necessary, to keep the palate in suspense and the taste buds tingling. 

In order to always eat healthy and with great variety though we shouldn’t consistently rely on eateries and delicatessens to assemble our meals for us.  We should take it upon ourselves to make routine trips to the market to keep up with our daily needs.  Fruits and vegetables, grains and dairy, beans and nuts, sweets and meats.  Don’t feel shy to have a little stash of chocolates or Swedish Fish in the cabinet and always have an assortment of diffident types of bread items to choose from throughout the day.

I feel like people think they are spending too much money if they go to the market and buy $200 worth of goods in one lump sum, but in reality if those items supplement the $10 lunches and multiple stops at gas stations, Burgers Kings and bars for snacks and drinks throughout the day it becomes worthwhile. 

Most people are hedonists; they want immediate pleasure as opposed to being able to wait for a greater reward later.  They’d rather spend $10 now and keep $190 in their pocket, to feel like they are saving money.  In reality that money is going to all go to other nonsense and quickly vanish in to the abyss. 

Then in order to feed yourself again you have to tap in to some other funds from some work venture or savings of some sort.   If the original $200 had all gone to food in bulk and $190 worth of vices and nights out were forsaken for the week, money might start to accumulate due to access funds remaining in your hands. 

Alas most people would rather focus on making more money to pay for their future needs than think of ways to save money every day in order to stack it for the future.

With this in mind, shopping for your foods, cooking them at home and packing your own lunches is a great way to save yourself a fortune over the years.

Farm Fresh to Stop and Shop.
Whole Foods to Walmart. 
Harris Teeter to Trader Joes.

We all get our food somewhere, what does your market say about you and your eating habits?  

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