Monday, May 7, 2012


Finding a good place to have a quick yet delicious lunch isn’t an easy thing to do in America these days. Burger King, McDonalds, Toca Bells, Checkers, Hardees, White Castle and Wendy’s litter strip malls and highways across the country. Then of course there are the middle of the line chain’s popping up like weeds in a town near you. The list includes but is not limited to Applebees, Ruby Tuesdays, TGIFridays, Olive Garden, and Red Lobster. Fancy restaurants claim their name to fame as well. Each city and town has their select few restaurants worth writing home about. Chances are they will cost you a fortune in money as well as time. The question I ask is where in the world does my money and time get respected enough to feed me an acceptable meal with a delightful range of tastes in a reasonable amount of time? That is my quest now as a food critique, to reveal to the world a different way to eat, a unique set of out of the way eateries that don’t normally make it in to the public perception or the New York Times Review. You may never personally get to eat at any of these places, since many of them are singular entities. Then again you may be lucky enough to find yourself in a region becoming part of an expanding chain of a newly discovered and highly recommended food experience. If you find yourself sickened by the idea of eating one more dollar menu item, if you can’t afford to spend 2 hours and $20 per plate on dinner, or if you are just plain looking to experiment with your taste buds and find a new range of nourishment then this blog is definitely for you.

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