Saturday, June 1, 2013

Monsanto: Just the Facts... and My Opinion!

Monsanto Company

On Saturday May 25th thousands if not millions of people around the world took part in a March Against Monsanto.  The event took place in over 400 cities spanning 52 countries.  This was truly a world wide demonstration against one of the most evil corporation to ever exists.  Of course main stream media completely ignored the protests, Facebook censored images from the marches and the general public were too busy being fat and lazy to take notice.

Since the protest went down there has been an even more damning story to come out to the public about Monsanto.  Apparently in Oregon fields are being found with genetically modified wheat. The cause being Monsanto testing GM wheat in neighboring fields.  The GM wheat then pollinates other wheat in the area and ends up turning a perfectly healthy plant in to a genetic monstrosity.  The major issue beyond health concerns to be considered here is that many countries in the world who import wheat from America are now considering canceling their orders due to a concern over the GM crop which has not been approved by any agencies what so ever.

So my contribution to this movement is a detailed description of just why Monsanto is so evil.  Many people make profound claims with very little information to back it up, and when an intelligent reporter wants to make a movement look bad they can easily edit together a bunch of participants who just have no idea why they think GMO and Monsanto are not good for the world.  So here are the reasons why Monsanto and the GMO that they create are no good for the United States or the Global Community in general.

Monsanto Is...


... and of course the rest of the world, but considering Europe has banned GMO and in Hungary they went as far as burning GMO fields, it is the US that needs the most luck in this fight right now.

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