Tuesday, June 4, 2013

McDonalds: "We Don't Sell Junk Food"

“know what Hanna, if you don't like the food there, simple solution, EAT WHERE YOU DO LIKE THE FOOD. I don't like salads, but I don't go and try and make salad restaraunts look bad. You come off as a spoiled brat saying things will have to be my way or no way.”

“you know....if you don't like it, don't eat it...I am PROUD to work at the number 1 restaurant chain in the world!”

“Don't worry Mr. Thompson; no intelligent person is going to listen to a snotty little brat begging for attention and egged on my her idiot mother. When I want a Big Mac, fries and a chocolate shake no words from a rug rat is going to affect my decision.”

"Those were the tamest comments I could find" was the follow up statement from the mother of a 9 year old girl.  The girls remarks to the CEO of McDonalds about advertising junk food to children have gotten fervent McDisciples up in arms defending their favorite physical manifestation of their own disgusting existence.  

Being that I take info from sources both progressive and conservative this story comes from The Christian Science Monitor:

The mother of a nine-year-old girl who addressed McDonald's CEO Don Thompson at a shareholder’s meeting about the corporate practice of using toys included in meals as a means of getting kids to eat unhealthy food says there has been an enormous backlash in comments against her child from the brand’s supporters.

From the brands supporters?  I had no idea that McDonald's had evangelical supporters who care so much about their fast food company of choice as to send hate mail to a child.  Are there really people out there who care so much about Big Macs that they support the rights of a company who is openly poisoning them over a child who just wants to spread some common sense?! 

Margaret Meade once said, “It is easier to change a man's religion than to change his diet.” Amen to that, sister!

The sad truth of this statement does not escape me.  People get stuck in their routines and get addicted to certain chemicals very easily.  If your routine is to allow a teenager to deep fry and "grill" your dinner each night and said dinner is filled with chemicals, genetically modified organisms and corn syrup galore, sometime's it becomes easier to denounce God than to start eating healthy.  

So what was it that Hannah said to the McDonalds overlord that enraged his followers to such an extent?  
“Something I don’t think is fair is when big companies try to trick kids into eating food that isn’t good for them by using toys and cartoon characters," Hannah read. "If parents haven’t taught their kids about healthy eating, then the kids probably believe that junk food is good for them because it might taste good.”
“It would be nice if you stopped trying to trick kids into wanting to eat your food all the time,” the younger Robertson continued, still reading from the statement. “I make cooking videos with my mom that show kids that eating healthy can be fun and yummy. We teach them that eating a rainbow of fruits and veggies makes kids healthier, smarter, and happier because that is the truth.”

 “First of all, we don’t sell junk food, Hannah.”

~McDonalds Corporate Stooge  also known as CEO Donald Thompson

Kia Robertson said that she never imagined how vicious McDonald's supporters would be in their responses to her supporting her child’s decision to make her beliefs known to corporate America.
“People have been really rough on us over this, saying I’m a bad parent and accusing me of just doing this to promote my business,” Kia said. “Some of the things they wrote to Hannah directly via our website are just too vile and ugly to repeat. She hasn’t seen any of those, but it’s frightening to see people writing to a child this way. I guess being behind a computer, people feel like they can be that way to a child.”
First off, even if this was a way of promoting her business, it doesn't make the message any less relevant.  
Second this 9 year old girl is smarter, healthier, and more well adjusted than most anyone who eats at McDonalds on the regular, but definitely more so than those who attacked her.  
Third the people who did attack her truly deserve the diseases they are surely working on day in and day out.  
Turning the other cheek, being the bigger person, I think not.  Any one who would attack a 9 year old girl truly deserves whatever they get.  

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