Saturday, November 9, 2013

Kraft to Remove Artificial Colors from Mac & Cheese

According to NaturalSociety:

Processed food company extraordinaire Kraft recently announced they would be improving at least some of their macaroni & cheese products by reducing the questionable artificial color ingredients within.

The announcement came on the heels of a petition that began in March and had more than 348,000 signatures at last count. While Kraft says their decision isn’t because of the petition, they no doubt heard the collective voice of consumers. Interestingly, one New York mother has started a similar petition, asking candy-maker Mars to replace their artificial colors with natural ones, creating a momentum that we need to collectively accelerate.

The plan is to remove artificial colors from three different varieties that come in kid-friendly shapes. This means the original Kraft Macaroni & Cheese will still contain artificial dyes, though the other varieties won’t. Apparently they want to keep the toxins available for those who like that sort of thing.


Competitors to Kraft Macaroni & Cheese products, like Annie’s, are getting more shelf-space as customer’s tastes change. Kraft couldn’t help but take notice.

Obviously this is a great first step, however what bothers me still is that Kraft is not doing this to help the health of their customers. They are not doing it to become a more conscientious company dedicated to making the world a better place.  They are certainly not concerned with the effect that artificial colors have on humans.  

The only thing they are worried about is their market share and the amount of money they make.  If making a change to appease and retain customers keeps the cash flowing a company will do anything.  If making that change didn't make monetary sense, they would not do so.  At least with a company like Kraft that is the absolute truth.  

This is why there is very little Kraft could do to make me ever purchase their junk "food".

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