Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Eating While Driving Significantly Increases Chances Of A Car Accident According to "Experts"

According to CBS:
Experts say eating while driving can increase a motorist’s chances of a car accident by 80 percent.
Ryan Harrison, an editor in Burbank, said long hours at work means more time in his car.
“I’d rather just eat on the way home, so I’m killing two birds with one stone,” he said. “I would make scrambled eggs before I go to work and then I’d eat them on the way to work, and I’d also eat yogurt. It’s definitely convenience.”
Officer Juan Galvan of the California Highway Patrol office in Glendale said that while Harrison’s behavior isn’t illegal, it is unsafe.
“Usually when people take a bite and if they spill, what’s your first reaction? Your first reaction is to let go of the steering wheel or drop whatever it is you’re doing because you want to clean up the mess you possibly caused,” Galvan said.
Law enforcement officials say much like texting and driving, eating also falls under the category of distracted driving.
Come on ... there are more drive through's in this country than churches.  American's love eating and driving.

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