Friday, November 29, 2013

Cops in FL Claim Feeding Homeless on Thanksgiving is Illegal

According to StoryLeak:

A church group in Lake Worth, FL was kicked out of a public park Thursday afternoon after a park ranger spotted them feeding homeless residents.

Members from the Acts 2 Worship Center, who headed to Palm Beach County’s John Prince Park to feed the homeless, intended to teach their children a valuable lesson about the true meaning of Thanksgiving.


Unfortunately, a Palm Beach County park ranger “just following orders” soon approached the group and demanded they leave for violating an alleged city ordinance.
“It’s very disappointing. We didn’t intend for this today,” said Brian. “ We just wanted to give the food and be able to bless people.”
Despite being told to leave, the church group sided with humanity, defying the orders as they finished handing out the rest of their meals.
Good for them!  Forget about what the gestapo goons in costume's claim is the law.  Being humane and caring about others is the true law of the land.  So as they say "'F' the Police".  Let these guys and gals help the needy, especially on Thanksgiving.  Maybe use your police resources in a wiser manner, like... I don't know stopping unruly crowds from rioting over TV's.  

Sunday, November 24, 2013

McDonald's Play's Opera Music to Keep Away the Hooligans

According to The Telegraph:
A McDonald's outlet in Australia has begun playing classical musical and opera late at night to deter young people from loitering around the restaurant.
Fed up with their outlet's nocturnal transformation into an unofficial youth club, the store adopted the tactic a few weeks ago and says it has significantly reduced the number of loiterers, particularly around the car park.
Matthew Watson, the operations manager at the Mt Annan McDonald's on the outskirts of Sydney, said the music had been a successful deterrent.
"We've noticed a reduction in the number of young people hanging around, but we'll have to reassess it properly in a couple of weeks," the store's operations manager, Matthew Watson, told the Macarthur Chronicle newspaper.
Not a bad idea...

Man Attacked Pregnant Sister Over Chicken Nuggets

According to Click Orlando:
An Orlando man has been arrested on aggravated battery charges after police say he attacked his pregnant sister over chicken nuggets.
Kareem Gordon, 28, was arrested on Sunday night after the fight with his 25-year-old sister, who says Gordon ate her chicken nuggets without permission.
After arguing, Gordon's sister went to her bedroom but Gordon followed behind, yelling "I will punch you down." Gordon then grabbed her by her neck, pushed her into a nightstand, making her fall to the ground, police said.
Gordon's sister is four months pregnant, according to the report. Gordon said he was trying to explain the incident to his sister but she tried to close the bedroom door in his face. According to the police report, Gordon said he pushed her away from the door.
Gordon, who police say has a previous domestic violence incident on record with his wife, was taken to Orange County jail on no bond.
... the thing that really gets me is he is being held without bond.  

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Parents Fined For Not Sending Ritz Crackers In Kids' Lunch

According to

Apparently if a child's lunch is deemed "unbalanced", where "balance" refers to ensuring that a lunch conforms to the proportions of food groups as laid out by Canada's awful Food Guide, then that child's lunch is "supplemented", and their parent is fined.

Blog reader Kristen Bartkiw received just such a fine.

She sent her children to daycare with with lunches containing leftover homemade roast beef and potatoes, carrots, an orange and some milk.

She did not send along any "grains".

As a consequence the school provided her children with, I kid you not, supplemental Ritz Crackers, and her with a $10 fine.

As Kristen writes, had she sent along lunches consisting of, "microwave Kraft Dinner and a hot dog, a package of fruit twists, a Cheestring, and a juice box" those lunches would have sailed right through this idiocy. But her whole food, homemade lunches? They lacked Ritz Crackers.

Canada, Oh Canada.  

Norwegian army goes vegetarian... one day a week

According to The Daily Caller:
Norway’s military is taking drastic steps to ramp up its war against global warming. The Scandinavian country announced its soldiers would be put on a vegetarian diet once a week to reduce the military’s carbon footprint.
“Meatless Monday’s” has already been introduced at one of Norway’s main military bases and will soon be rolled out to others, including overseas bases. It is estimated that the new vegetarian diet will cut meat consumption by 150 tons per year.
“It’s a step to protect our climate,” military spokesman Eystein Kvarving told AFP. “The idea is to serve food that’s respectful of the environment.”
“It’s not about saving money,” Kvarving added. “It’s about being more concerned for our climate, more ecologically friendly and also healthier.”
Wowzers.  This is impressive, I actually believe their reasoning concerning the environmental issues as opposed to financial ones.  This would not happen in America, the dollar is the bottom line and the most important factor when considering any issues.  Not so much in Norway apparently.  Again, impressive!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

McDonald's Releases Too Many New Products At Once

According to Wall Street Journal:

McDonald's Corp. came out with its strongest acknowledgment yet that its customer service in the U.S. has suffered recently, and that it blundered by introducing too many new menu items too quickly.

Jeff Stratton, president of McDonald's USA, said the chain introduced several new products and limited-time offers this year to give customers more variety.

"The pace of product introduction in my opinion: too fast," he said Thursday afternoon at an investor meeting at the company's Oak Brook, Ill., headquarters.

Between March and July alone, McDonald's added Premium McWraps, Egg White Delight McMuffins, blueberry pomegranate smoothies and new Quarter Pounders to its menu. 

The fast pace of the new-product introductions "created challenges for the restaurants," making their operations more complex in ways that slowed service, Mr. Stratton said.


To rectify the situation, the company is planning to spend less on remodeling next year by updating just 300 restaurants in the U.S., compared with 465 this year through the third quarter.

It will instead invest in new preparation tables for all of its U.S. outlets that can accommodate more ingredients and speed the assembly process. The new tables also will help address demand for customized orders.


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Eating While Driving Significantly Increases Chances Of A Car Accident According to "Experts"

According to CBS:
Experts say eating while driving can increase a motorist’s chances of a car accident by 80 percent.
Ryan Harrison, an editor in Burbank, said long hours at work means more time in his car.
“I’d rather just eat on the way home, so I’m killing two birds with one stone,” he said. “I would make scrambled eggs before I go to work and then I’d eat them on the way to work, and I’d also eat yogurt. It’s definitely convenience.”
Officer Juan Galvan of the California Highway Patrol office in Glendale said that while Harrison’s behavior isn’t illegal, it is unsafe.
“Usually when people take a bite and if they spill, what’s your first reaction? Your first reaction is to let go of the steering wheel or drop whatever it is you’re doing because you want to clean up the mess you possibly caused,” Galvan said.
Law enforcement officials say much like texting and driving, eating also falls under the category of distracted driving.
Come on ... there are more drive through's in this country than churches.  American's love eating and driving.

Racist Burger King Sign: “Now Hiring, Must Be Mexican”

According to InfoWars:
A huge sign outside a Burger King fast food restaurant in Ephrata, Washington is causing outrage because of its racist tone. The billboard reads, “Now Hiring Must Be Mexican.”
It’s possible that the managers of the restaurant meant to advertise for a bilingual or Spanish-speaking employee, but their choice of words is clearly discriminatory.
Imagine the backlash if Burger King posted a sign outside one of its restaurants which said “Now Hiring Whites Only.” That’s almost as racist as the sign in Ephrata, and yet over 24 hours since the image caused outrage, Burger King has failed to address the issue.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Red Bull sued for $85 million over man's death

According to NaturalNews:

Red Bull is being sued for wrongful death after a healthy 33-year-old man collapsed dead on a basketball court after gulping the high-caffeine drink.
The lawsuit, for $85 million, is believed to be the first wrongful death suit against the world's largest energy drink company.
Construction worker Cory Terry - survived by a 13-year-old son - was healthy, active and a non-smoker, his grandmother, Patricia Terry, said. However, he regularly drank large amounts of Red Bull.
"He drank that stuff all the time," she said. "He said it perked him up."
About a year ago, Terry downed a can of Red Bull about 45 minutes into a basketball game. Shortly after, he grew dizzy, collapsed and died. Doctors discovered that he had suffered idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), meaning that his heart had simply stopped. The medical report noted that he had consumed Red Bull right before the attack.
The FDA has confirmed at least 18 deaths potentially linked to energy drinks. Between 2004 and 2012, it received 21 reports from healthcare providers who suspected Red Bull of causing side effects ranging from fatigue and dizziness to chest pain.
Indeed, the FDA is already investigating whether energy drinks might have led to the deaths of five separate people, including a 14-year-old who fell dead after drinking two 24-ounce Monster beverages over the course of two days.
I used to drink a lot of Monsters and my wife drank four Red Bulls a day before we had our daughter.  Now I look on in disgust when I see one of my co-workers desks littered with energy drinks.  I almost look at them in the same light as smokers.  Gross and unnecessary.  

Man dies after accidentally drinking £34,000 of Crystal Meth!

According to The Daily Mail:
A man has died after drinking a massive overdose of liquid crystal meth after mistaking it for a health drink.
Romano Dias, 55, had been given a bottle of what appeared to be a fruit-based drink by his daughter Katee, who had found it in a package delivered to her home.
After downing about half a glass of the liquid he immediately began to feel ill and died shortly afterwards.

Mr Dias’s partner Debra Dulson said in a statement that he had opened the bottle and found a cork under the cap.
She said he took a mouthful of the drink and had said that it tasted 'awful' before complaining that his throat was burning.
He then said: 'I am in trouble here. I am dying, I am dead.'
Analysis of the bottle, which had been labelled as a health drink, showed it contained £34,000 of pure methamphetamine.
Holy crap ... do me a favor and read the rest of this article.  Totally nuts.  WTF?!  Never drink something that showed up in the mail if you are not sure what the hell it is! 

Chinese Chicken's On American Tables

According to CBS:
Chicken from China has officials on alert, including U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.)
As WCBS 880’s Jim Smith reported Sunday, Schumer said first, the U.S. Department of Agriculture only allowed chickens that had been processed in China to be sold in the U.S. Now, he said the USDA plans to green-light poultry raised and slaughtered in China.
This has never happened before, and it is a bad idea, Schumer argued.
“China has a terrible record on health safety, and chickens are one of the things that need the most care and inspections,” he said.
Schumer called the plan a huge change in policy, and a big mistake.
“China has been a massive source of food poisoning here in America for years,” he said.
A step closer to final approval, Schumer said a USDA report to Congress indicated aspects of the Chinese slaughter system to be equivalent to that of the U.S.
“Why is the USDA doing it?” he said. “We just don’t know.”
A USDA representative was unavailable for comment Sunday.
Meh, I hardly trust chicken from America unless it is free range and raised without antibiotics.  Even then I am slightly suspicious unless I've watched it hatched, raised, and slaughtered.  

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Kraft to Remove Artificial Colors from Mac & Cheese

According to NaturalSociety:

Processed food company extraordinaire Kraft recently announced they would be improving at least some of their macaroni & cheese products by reducing the questionable artificial color ingredients within.

The announcement came on the heels of a petition that began in March and had more than 348,000 signatures at last count. While Kraft says their decision isn’t because of the petition, they no doubt heard the collective voice of consumers. Interestingly, one New York mother has started a similar petition, asking candy-maker Mars to replace their artificial colors with natural ones, creating a momentum that we need to collectively accelerate.

The plan is to remove artificial colors from three different varieties that come in kid-friendly shapes. This means the original Kraft Macaroni & Cheese will still contain artificial dyes, though the other varieties won’t. Apparently they want to keep the toxins available for those who like that sort of thing.


Competitors to Kraft Macaroni & Cheese products, like Annie’s, are getting more shelf-space as customer’s tastes change. Kraft couldn’t help but take notice.

Obviously this is a great first step, however what bothers me still is that Kraft is not doing this to help the health of their customers. They are not doing it to become a more conscientious company dedicated to making the world a better place.  They are certainly not concerned with the effect that artificial colors have on humans.  

The only thing they are worried about is their market share and the amount of money they make.  If making a change to appease and retain customers keeps the cash flowing a company will do anything.  If making that change didn't make monetary sense, they would not do so.  At least with a company like Kraft that is the absolute truth.  

This is why there is very little Kraft could do to make me ever purchase their junk "food".

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Apple Thief Bites Grocery Worker

According to DNAInfo:

A man caught stealing an apple from a Greenpoint produce market on Friday bit and choked a store employee who told him he needed to pay for the fruit, police and witnesses said.


The suspect then "put his hands on [the employee's] neck, preventing him from breathing normally," tried to "cover [the employee's] mouth and nose with his jacket," and "bit his left ear," drawing blood, according to a police report.


"He just took one apple," another employee said of the thief. "We have people try to steal fruit every day, but no one's ever been this aggressive."

Things are getting crazy.  EBT was cut less than a week ago.
Just wait till people really start feeling these roll backs of benefits.  

Just wait till the government starts taking away more entitlements.  

Just wait...

We'll be seeing a lot of very similar cases to this in the not so distant future.  

Woman runs over boyfriend 3 times for McDonald's

According to WKMG:

Police in Tennessee say a woman ran over her boyfriend three times after he refused to go to McDonald's with her.

Crystal Greer Brooks, 33, of Kingsport was apparently upset that her boyfriend wanted to eat at a different restaurant, police told the Kingsport Times-News.
Holy crap... talk about addiction.  McDonalds should proudly report this in their advertisements.  Woman loves Big Mac so much she would kill oyfriend over wanting a Whopper.