Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Apple Thief Bites Grocery Worker

According to DNAInfo:

A man caught stealing an apple from a Greenpoint produce market on Friday bit and choked a store employee who told him he needed to pay for the fruit, police and witnesses said.


The suspect then "put his hands on [the employee's] neck, preventing him from breathing normally," tried to "cover [the employee's] mouth and nose with his jacket," and "bit his left ear," drawing blood, according to a police report.


"He just took one apple," another employee said of the thief. "We have people try to steal fruit every day, but no one's ever been this aggressive."

Things are getting crazy.  EBT was cut less than a week ago.
Just wait till people really start feeling these roll backs of benefits.  

Just wait till the government starts taking away more entitlements.  

Just wait...

We'll be seeing a lot of very similar cases to this in the not so distant future.  

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