Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Cheesecake Factory

Last time Laura and I went to The Cheesecake Factory our waitress was a complete disappointment.  She had an attitude and gave terrible service, I think that may have been the reason why I chose not to write a review for that experience.  The food was terrific but the service left me feeling like what I might have to say about the place would be a little biased.  This weekend made up for any bad feelings I may have had left over and then some.

Our server was overly pleasant and agreeable, anything we even mentioned thinking about ordering she would enthusiastically claim was the best choice!  "Right on" was how she acknowledged almost anything we had to say and the way she described the specialty cheesecakes when it came time to order desert was right out of a commercial.  Not to mention she reminded Laura of one of her favorite students from last year.  Let me step back to the beginning though.

As I stated in my last review of the Macaroni Grill, the very best Fried Macaroni and Cheese I've ever had comes from The Cheesecake Factory.  I've tried it anytime it's on the menu and no one even comes close.  The four plump balls of deep fried mac and cheese that were served to us right after we finished our bread basket were absolutely delightful.  The creamy marinara sauce they come served over is a perfect balance as opposed to some other sauces which in the past have ruined what could have been a great appetizer.

When I ordered my Shiner Bock Wild Rabbit IPA our server as expected proclaimed that it was her favorite,  I feel like I could have ordered a Budweiser and gotten the same response though.  The first of my beers was a 22 ounce the second only 16 ounces as I was fine with the smaller glass towards the end of the meal.  The only complaint I can think of was that each beer I was served was about a half inch from reaching the top of the glass.  Whether the bartender didn't know to siphon off the foam and fill it to the top or our server spilled some on the way to us I don't know.

As for our food, I ordered the Chicken Bellagio, Crispy Coated Chicken Breast over Basil Pasta and Parmesan Cream Sauce Topped with Prosciutto and Arugula Salad, and Laura went with the Four Cheese Pasta, Penne Pasta, Mozzarella, Ricotta, Romano and Parmesan Cheeses, Marinara Sauce and Fresh Basil. Both of our meals were perfect and served to us in a very timely fashion.  I was shocked with how much chicken and pasta came on my plate.  I actually left about a quarter of the chicken to be packaged to bring home and the next night had a full dinner left over.

Laura got much of her meal wrapped as well, which was a full dinner last night and still leaves enough for a ample lunch today if she so chooses.  So not only was the food delicious, but the portion sizes were well worth the "price of admission".  Any visit to The Cheesecake Factory can't be completed without enjoying a piece of their namesake.  So at the end of our meal I went with The Original Cheesecake and Laura got the White Chocolate Raspberry Truffle.  We both tried each others pieces and each of them were just as perfect as you would expect from a place whose sign proudly exclaims "Cheesecake"!

I forgot to mention the reason for our visit was yet another celebration, I have been training to start a very prestigious job which had me taking tests at the end of each week all month long.  If I hadn't passed any of the tests, I would be finding myself looking for a new job.  This Friday I completed my training, passed my test and am eagerly awaiting Monday to start taking my true responsibilities on.  I can't think of a better place than The Cheesecake Factory to have celebrated such a wonderful accomplishment.

The Cheesecake Factory

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